

Visual Examinations: Periodic optometric examinations are an important part of routine preventive health care. Many eye and vision conditions present no obvious symptoms. Therefore periodic optometric examinations are an important part of routine preventive health care. Many eye and vision conditions present no obvious symptoms. Therefore, individuals are often unaware that a problem exists. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for maintaining good vision and when possible preventing permanent vision loss.

The need for and frequency of optometric examinations varies with age, race, medical history, family history, occupation and other factors. Individuals with ocular signs or symptoms require prompt examination. In addition, the presence of certain risk factors may necessitate more frequent evaluations based on professional judgment.

Asymptomatic/Risk Free
At Risk
Infants and toddlers (birth to 24 months)
By 6 months of age
By 6 months of age or as recommended
Preschool (2 to 5 years)
At 3 years of age
At 3 years of age or as recommended
School age (6 to 18 years)
Before first grade and every two years thereafter
Annually or as recommended
Adults (19 to 40 years)
Every two to three years
Every one to two years or as recommended
Adults (41 to 60 years)
Every two years
Every one to two years or as recommended
Older adult (61 years and older)
Annually or as recommended

* Guidelines in this table may be insufficient for contact lens wearers.

What is glaucoma?

It is a disease of the eye in which the natural pressure of the eye becomes too elevated, and causes damage to the light receptor cells of the eye, causing vision loss.

The eye needs to maintain a constant pressure (like a balloon) otherwise it would collapse and would not be able to see. It does this continuously making and draining fluid. The area where the fluid is drained is called the trabecular meshwork and consists of fine filtration system “net”. In glaucoma the meshwork is too tight and so the fluid is inadequately drained, thus resulting in a build up of pressure. This raised pressure adversely affects the retina (or nerve cells) of the eye. The retina is the innermost lining of the eye, and consists of million of nerve cells, each being a sensor for vision. The nerve cells are all connected to the brain by small nerves, and all of these small nerves collect together to exit the eye as the optic nerve. In glaucoma the optic nerve is also more susceptible to damage than in an eye without glaucoma. This damage tends to occur in a set pattern and affects the peripheral vision and not the central vision. The hall marks of glaucoma therefore are:

Raised intra-ocular pressure
Damage to the optic nerve
Visual field loss

Sports Vision & CL Practioner: Do you wish you could improve your batting average in the weekend cricket league, cut a few strokes off your golf score or take your tennis game to the next level?

Vision, just like speed and strength is an important ingredient in how well you play your sport. Your vision is composed of many skills and just like exercise and practice can increase your speed and strength, it can improve your vision skills. An evaluation by a sports vision Optometrist can pinpoint your individual problems and needs related to your particular sport.

Remember a thorough eye examination by your Optometrist is a great place to begin.

“Getting that winning Edge”

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  021 554 4299

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Sports Vision

Sports Vision

Your vision, just like speed and strength, is an important ingredient in how well you play your sport.

Childrens Vision

Children’s Vision

It is important to have a child’s eyes examined regularly. Many eye problems in children do not have symptoms or signs.

Diagnosis of Eye Diseases

Diagnosis of Eye Diseases

Many eye diseases have no early symptoms. The single best way to protect your vision is through regular professional eye examinations.